ASA chairs the 13th WGFACML meeting in Nanjing – China

The Accountability State Authority of Egypt (ASA), chaired the 13th meeting of the INTOSAI Working Group on the Fight Against corruption and Money Laundering (WGFACML) hosted by the CNAO of China in Nanjing city 25-27 April 2019.

ASA Vice President Mrs. Mona Tawheed on behalf of H.E. Hesham Badawy and Mr. Hao Shuchen CNAO deputy Auditor General opened the event by addressing the delegates from 18 member SAIs. The meeting previewed the WG past progress, current and future activities. Also, many member SAIs shared their best practices and experiences in the field of fighting corruption and money laundering. It was planned that the upcoming meeting will be hosted by Egypt.